AAUW Action Fund Congressional Voting Record
How Do Your Senators and Representatives Vote?
The AAUW Action Fund Congressional Voting Record provides information about elected federal legislators through the votes they cast on issues that are critical to the Action Fund’s mission.
The Congressional Voting Record provides information about senators’ and representatives’ co-sponsorship and votes. Each legislator is scored based on their record on AAUW priorities, which were decided on the basis of the AAUW Public Policy Priorities, adopted by AAUW members. These priorities range from economic security, to education, and civil rights.
The Congressional Voting Record for the 118th Congress coming in fall 2024.
Find out how your elected officials scored!
Download the Congressional Voting Record for the 117th Congress.Using the Congressional Voting Record
AAUW members and supporters have a long history of lobbying Congress and holding legislators accountable for how they vote. Use the Congressional Voting Record to advocate for AAUW’s priority issues by:
- Referring to information in the voting record during community issue forums or at town hall meetings held by your members of Congress
- Writing letters to the editor (LTEs), blog posts, or op-eds about a legislator’s position on AAUW’s priority issues. Our LTE and op-ed resource guide provides tips for an effective letter.
- Distributing copies during local voter education events
- Sharing the guide with coalition partners, friends, family, and prospective AAUW members. Don’t forget to tag your posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media forums using #ItsMyVote
Previous Congressional Voting Records
Download a copy of past voting records:
116th Congress
January 2019-December 2020
115th Congress
January 2017–
December 2018
114th Congress
January 2015–
December 2016
113th Congress
January 2013–
August 2014
112th Congress
January 2011–
December 2012
111th Congress
January 2009–
December 2010
Equal Pay Supplement
January 2009–
December 2010
January 2007–
December 2008
109th Congress
January 2005–
December 2006
108th Congress
January 2003–
December 2004
107th Congress
January 2001–
December 2002
106th Congress
January 1999–
December 2000
January 1997–
December 1998
104th Congress
January 1995–
December 1996
103rd Congress
January 1993–
December 1994
102nd Congress
January 1991–
December 1992
101st Congress
January 1989–
December 1990
100th Congress
January 1987–
December 1988
99th Congress
January 1985–
December 1986
98th Congress
January 1983–
December 1984
97th Congress
January 1981–
December 1982
The voting records are neither endorsements nor condemnations of any member of Congress. They reflect roll call votes and bill sponsorships officially recorded by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. For more information, contact the AAUW Action Fund at Policy@aauw.org.